Sunday, November 11, 2012

Real News From Syria: Al Qaeda Levant aka Free Syrian Army FSA Uses a Mosque To Launch Terror Attacks

Since the beginning of the Syrian crisis and the terrorists from Al Qaeda Levant or as some western mainstream media like to call them: the Free Syrian Army, use mosques to store weapons, position snipers, launch attacks from, plot inside, organize gatherings and then booby trap when they feel surrounded and blow the mosque just to accuse the Syrian Army of attacking mosques knowing that many masses of Muslims would become furious just like what we witnessed with the stupid films and cartoons already.

This is one of the first clips we managed to obtain of them filming it to please their clerics abroad and show their 'heroic' acts. One of the Wahhabi clerics last year asked them to blow up mosques if it helps demonize the Syrian Army. 

- The above information were posted by real Syrian activists from Syria and around the world, not by western intelligent post office dubbed activists.
- Each piece of news is the responsibility of the person posting it.
- Analysis & articles are the opinions of the persons posting it.

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